"The Lord makes firm the steps of those who delight in Him; though they stumble, they will not fall. For the Lord upholds them with His hand." ~Psalm 37:23-24

Monday, December 17, 2012


Today I listened to a song called: "Like a Father" by Jason Roberson.


Papa showed me that He has NEVER been ashamed of me! When I mess up, make a joke at the expense of others, fall from pride, rep Him wrong, He looks at me and shouts with all His might: "THAT ONE is My beloved son, in whom I am VERY WELL pleased!"

I hear that, and... what? What did You say God? You are... pleased with me?

"Yes! I am VERY WELL pleased! You totally ROCK son!"

At that point I begin to look at myself through His eyes. It's crazy, but I begin to see it as more than a possibility. Yet I see yuck. I see sin, and death, and misery.

He looks at me and tells me I am utterly perfect, beautiful, lovely, pure, spotless, fun, awesome, ravishing. He reveals to me that it's true, and that I don't have to do anything to get it, because it has already been given to me.

I accept it by faith, and begin to feel clean, holy, pure... full of JOY because HE LOVES ME!!!

NOTHING is even CLOSE to the LOVE of OUR FATHER!!! His love for us is the only true satisfaction, the only true hope, the only true life, the only reason we are here! To LOVE HIM with EVERYTHING in us!!!

He made YOU specifically how you are, because He is RAVISHED by you! He made a calling, a work, just for you, because He knew you would LOVE doing it, and it would fit you PERFECTLY! He has called you to... get this:

To love Him, and to love Him in others.

Every man and woman ever made was built with an unquenchable desire to give everything possible, (imperfect love) and receive perfect love in return, no matter the circumstance. We as humans try to find that perfection in other people, in new technology or entertainment, in drugs, in schooling, in work or anything else.

But it's not there.

Sometimes we think that it's harder to get satisfaction from God than from the things of this world, but in reality, it's much easier, but much more... real. We have to actually trust that He is real, and build our lives around that fact, whether we can prove it or not. If He is real, and Jesus really is coming back for His bride, and He really loves us with everything and gives His life to us every single day in intercession, why do we wait for Him to... upgrade us to the person we've always wanted to be?

Daddy gave us His Son, so that we could be like Him. Jesus tells us to be perfect, as God is perfect. He may as well have told us to walk on water! Oh wait, Peter did that, didn't he? Okay, then maybe He could have told us to simply... raise the dead! Or move mountains! Those go against the laws of nature themselves! But wait, He said we could do that too! Maybe... maybe He actually meant that we don't have to wait for perfection... that perfection came to us over 2,000 years ago, and died for us so we can live like Him!

He became our sin, and made us into His righteousness!

This is GOOD NEWS!!!


I looove You too Dad!!!


I love you soooo much too!!!

... and on and on it goes, getting better, and better, and better. Never ceasing to wow us, never growing old. Never dying out, never ever growing anything but louder, clearer, stronger.

The grace and peace of Jesus Christ rest on you all this week!!! And may Papa just WRECK your lives with His LOVE!!!

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