In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, everything in them, and us, Mankind. We know this, but what was God's purpose for the beautiful people He created? To tend the garden, or to create an entire race? Well, what is it that they did right from the start? The thing that stopped when they ate the fruit?
They walked with God in the garden.
They talked with God in the garden.
They ate with God, worked with God, loved Him and loved each other.
They lived in close friendship with God Almighty!
So, then they were deceived into thinking that they could become more like God than they already were! How ludicrous! They were created in His image, and in His likeness! But, in the end, they ate the fruit, and saw their shame. They didn't know who the God Judge was, but they knew His glory and holiness apparently, because as soon as they saw their shame, they were afraid of God. Their best Friend, who had made them, loved them, and gave them each other and the entire world for their enjoyment.
But this fruit (and the decision with it) brought sin into the human race. It placed it in his DNA. When you were born, you were a sinner. Your parents (hopefully) didn't have to teach you to be selfish or rude, that was your natural tenancy.
So, when Jesus was crucified, and we were crucified with Him (Gal. 2:20) we are now dead in that sense, so sin has no power over us! This is good news! But wait, if what Jesus did reversed the curse in the sense of us humans, why do we Christians still walk as though sin has power, or that we have to wait till we die to see Him and know Him?
Do we really believe in Jesus? Do we actually expect to see Him how we did in the garden? Do we understand that He is walking with us now, through life, and is able to hear us and to respond to us?
Now, in one sense we walk by faith and not by sight. We will not always just see Jesus from the moment we put our trust in Him to the day we die. In fact, I would say that most people have not seen Jesus at all, let alone more than once.
So, if Jesus' death and resurrection defeated the curse, defeated sin, defeated death, why aren't we back to our state like it was in the garden? What was so important about how we lived then that cause Jesus to die? He didn't restore us to a place without weeds. He hasn't physically walked with us in a way where we can see Him. So what was the most important thing about the garden? What did He restore?
Friendship. Intimacy. Hope. Destiny. Life.
This week, as you go about your lives, when you think about this, just ask Him to show you really what He has done for you. What is different about you before and after you believed? What has He set you free from? Are we still holding on to things in our lives that are hindering us from seeing Him more clearly in our lives? Are we really, truly, completely free from sin?
If He tells you awesome things, feel free to share! You can comment below anytime.
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