"The Lord makes firm the steps of those who delight in Him; though they stumble, they will not fall. For the Lord upholds them with His hand." ~Psalm 37:23-24

Monday, August 19, 2013

Believe the rock, not the sand.

So Papa has begun to tell me how my feelings sometimes are completely false.

Sometimes what I feel comes in contact and alignment with what he says, and what I know to be true. But sometimes they just lie.

Temptation is not a sign of the lack of God. Depression is. Fear is. Hate is. Hopelessness and insecurity, jealousy and self-pity, despising, complaining, these are signs of hunger and lack. But Daddy showed me that what we feel isn't always true.

I was feeling jealousy against a friend of mine for something they had that I didn't. I began to renounce those feelings of jealousy and anger, and pray that God would help me get out of the depression that came with it. He says: whom the Son sets free is free indeed. I said God help. He said "I have set you free."
I didn't feel free. I was being tempted and accused and depressed and angry. Then He showed me the truth. I am free from the hold of hate and jealousy. I am fe ee from sin and death. I am free!!!! But I didn't feel free.

Who cares?

Sinse when did God say: "the Holy Spirit, the Helper, will cause you to feel truth always." No he told us that he will TEACH us. We may not feel happy about it. We may noy understand it. But he says: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways know him and let him know us, and he will direct where you are to go." Paraphrased.

So... when we feel everyone hates us, or God is distant, or we will never be healed, or God doesn't want the best for us, just don't believe it. You may FEEL pain, or temptation, or anger, but you are free from thos things.

You might ask: "then why am I not healed? Why do I still have this pain, this problem, this fight?"

I can't answer that for you. I can't even answer it for me. So we better go to the better source. :)

Sometimes we go through hardships to manifest Jesus. Something Todd White says.

Jesus himself wad tempted. Temptation is not a sign of lacking God

Unbelief is

Unbelief, however, is not just not believing, it is believing against. When Jesus couldn't do miracles because of the unbelief of the city, it wasn't because they had never seen a miracle and didn't know it was possible, it was because they didn't want to believe him.

He will help our unnelief if we are willing. Like the man with the demon-possessed son, we say "Lord help my unbelief!"

And he does. And he brings healing. And he brings peace. And he brings light. And he brings joy. And he brings everything we were made for. Everything perfect.

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